Bob Vila's Craftsman Tool of the Week

The Bob Vila Craftsman Tool of the Week is dedicated to the people in the world that somehow, in no way related to their own talent or hard work, became famous. The weekly award will go to the celebrity that trumps all others in stupidity and general un-coolness. Check back every Monday for a new tool. (definition)

November 29, 2004

Tool of the Week: Steven Tyler

This week’s tool is none other than the rocking, botox injecting, hot daughter producing, ugliest man ever to pull in mad tail, Steven Tyler of Aerosmith. I’ve never really liked or understood anything this man has ever done, and I can’t fathom how anyone else could either.

Sure he makes music (and by make I mean chew up and spit out), but women for some reason can look past his hideousness and somehow find themselves attracted to him. In my humble opinion, Stevie looks like a skeleton-fish who can’t decide whether he’s trying to be a man who wants to be a woman, or a woman who wants to be a man.

However, his seemingly endless string of blind women may have come to an end. This Thanksgiving, Tyler showed up to serve lunch at a home for women recovering from drug and alcohol addictions, most likely stemming from years of listening to his own crappy music.

He may be trying to spin this as a public outreach and charitable ploy, but I see right through his little game. It’s obvious the hot tang is no longer lining up at his door, so he’s gone looking for it in the most vulnerable victims – recovering addicts.

Shame on you Steven Tyler. After all the money that you’ve made undeservingly in your career you would think you could at least fork out some dough (instead of freaking turkey) and pay these women for their services like the prostitutes that they are. And try to get a terminal venereal disease while you’re at it.

November 22, 2004

Tool of the Week: Ron Artest

In a unanimous vote, the inaugural recipient of the Bob Vila Craftsman Tool of the Week is Pacers forward Ron Artest. Artest gains the honor after asking for time off to promote his rap album, explaining his situation ever so eloquently, then getting the time off because he went into the crowd during a Pistons game and started one of the biggest brawls in sports history.

Ron was suspended for the season, losing $5.5 million in salary, leaving his debut album (dropping Nov. 23) to put food on the table for his family this year.
Artest said he wanted to spend more time with his family, and he got his wish. Now he can take the next six months to explain to his kids why daddy had to turn those fans’ faces into a Picasso painting.

Artest, whose sole positive attribute is his basketball skill (pending the release of his album, but we’re not holding our breaths) proved this week that he truly is one of the dumbest sports figures in history not only in book smarts, but common sense.
Although provoked, something in his head should have told him “jumping into stands and throwing haymakers equals bad idea.” But this comes from a guy who didn’t know the meaning of “compromise” and “integrity.”

For being selected as this week’s Tool, Artest receives a complimentary Craftsman tool set, with which he can use to tighten the assortment of screws that he’s got loose. He also gets a dictionary/thesaurus combination to look up “compromise” and “integrity” and to learn new words to incorporate into his raps. Congratulations Ron, and good luck in the future. Seriously, you’re going to need it.