Bob Vila's Craftsman Tool of the Week

The Bob Vila Craftsman Tool of the Week is dedicated to the people in the world that somehow, in no way related to their own talent or hard work, became famous. The weekly award will go to the celebrity that trumps all others in stupidity and general un-coolness. Check back every Monday for a new tool. (definition)

March 14, 2005

Tool of the Week: Jeremy Giambi

This week, Jeremy Giambi admitted he used steroids. Huh? I mean, I’m not surprised at all, but to me it’s kinda like Keanu Reeves coming out, saying he took illegal acting lessons or something. In the greater scheme of things when it’s all said and done, both will be a waste of their respective time and money.

The guy took steroids and has a career batting average of .260! He has 52 career home runs, less than what most major leaguers can come up with in a single year nowadays. And he took steroids.

I’m sure there was some suspicion after his brother came clean, but honestly, did he think anyone was going to care? Are we going to have to put an asterisk next to his .197 batting average in 2003? He shouldn’t be apologizing to America for taking steroids, he should be apologizing to his wife for wasting all that money on them. And to Victor Conte for giving his “miracle drugs” a bad name.

Come to think of it, I’m going to go tell my Econ. professor that I cheated on the final last quarter. I got a C-. Hopefully he’ll respect me more now that I came clean and will go easy on me.

Give me a break. Jeremy Giambi. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.